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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : ? Running (0.04CPU’s, 1 Cuda) – CPU usage 45% ?

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Copycat-Digital for WCG*
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Message 4677 - Posted: 21 Dec 2008 | 15:35:15 UTC

I’m running GPUGrid & Milkyway on an E4600 Core2Due with a 9600GT (XPPro) and Boinc 6.45
Multi CPU is set to 100% using both cores
I observed that v 6.55 cuda status shows: Running (0.04CPU’s, 1 Cuda)
Win task man shows that acemd6.55 runs between 40 – 46% CPU and 45-50% milkyway.

Boinc 6.45 runs only 1 x Milkyway (Priority Low) & 1 x GRUGRID (Priority BelowNormal) with the above CPU usage

The other cuda versions of Boinc (6.3.21 – 6.4.1 & 6.5.0) run 3 apps: 2 x Milkyway & 1 GPUGRID
Milkyway uses 50% + 50% (Priority BelowNormal) GPUGRID only 0 – 1% (Priority Normal). GPUGRID task runs very slowly because Milkyway uses all CPU.
Only when I manually change the priority for GPUGRID to High or Real-time it then uses 4 -5 % like it should
This works fine using 100% of the PC but every time a new work unit starts the priority change back to normal.
Any suggestions how can I force acemd_6.55_wini86 to automatically run a higher priority


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Message 4680 - Posted: 21 Dec 2008 | 15:59:34 UTC

Use Process Lasso (free for home use)

Copycat-Digital for WCG*
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Message 4683 - Posted: 21 Dec 2008 | 18:02:37 UTC - in response to Message 4680.

Thanks Milford
Will give it a try & report back

Copycat-Digital for WCG*
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Message 4691 - Posted: 21 Dec 2008 | 21:32:22 UTC - in response to Message 4680.

Use Process Lasso (free for home use)

Downloaded & installed program

GPUGRID & Seti(cuda)exits with "Computation Error" when I used Process Lasso to set the priority to "High" in the config.
Only after I disabled Lasso the apps run OK again

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Message 4698 - Posted: 21 Dec 2008 | 22:52:23 UTC

Sorry to hear that; works ok for me (High priority for acem... CUDA) cpu 3-5% on [email protected]

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Message 4699 - Posted: 21 Dec 2008 | 22:55:26 UTC - in response to Message 4698.

Sorry to hear that; works ok for me (High priority for acem... CUDA) cpu 3-5% on [email protected]

same for me at VISTA 64

Alain Maes
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Message 4707 - Posted: 22 Dec 2008 | 0:13:16 UTC

Ubuntu 8.10 with 4 Gb, 6.4.5 and good drivers

noticed acemd was using 2.3 Gb RAM at 70% WU progress, with BM showing "waiting for memory..."

However, standard setting for BOINC preferences limits RAM usage to 50%.

Changed this to 90% all the time. BM now shows "Running (0.04 CPUs, 1 CUDA)#.

Not sure what the effect on the total runtime could be, but it is probably worth to recommend verifying RAM usage.

Kind regards


Alain Maes
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Message 4718 - Posted: 22 Dec 2008 | 8:42:47 UTC - in response to Message 4707.
Last modified: 22 Dec 2008 | 9:01:16 UTC

This was about WU 129474 that succesfully finished overnight in 19807s on a GTX260.

My next WU is now over 90% and acemd.. now only uses 22 MB!?

Still on CUDA driver 178.


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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : ? Running (0.04CPU’s, 1 Cuda) – CPU usage 45% ?
