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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : GTX1080Ti

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Message 45131 - Posted: 3 Nov 2016 | 9:48:51 UTC

Waiting on the EVGA 1080 TI (maybe the Classified Edition) to get a Paschal card.
1 Corinthians 9:16 "For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!"
Ephesians 6:18-20, please ;-)

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Message 45134 - Posted: 3 Nov 2016 | 11:22:02 UTC
Last modified: 3 Nov 2016 | 11:27:47 UTC

Waiting on the EVGA 1080 TI (maybe the Classified Edition) to get a Paschal card.

Might be announced in Jan 2017 & arrive between Feb and April. So, realistically it could be 4 to 6 months before it arrives. NV could make one right now based on an NV GTX Titan, but what's the point? There is no competition and probably won't be for a while. It's also a flagship card (limited demand) and for here the big question would be, does it scale?

14nm Fin-Fet is presently being used for the GTX1050 and GTX1050Ti, while the other Pascal's are 16nm, so there is a possibility a GTX1080Ti will arrive based on the 14nm fabrication. That would fit in with a new GPU in 6months time and might mean a ~10 to 15% improvement in itself; justifying it's existence. NV are using two factories so it's conceivable that one will scale up while the other scales down and starts adapting for new Fabrication.

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Message 51059 - Posted: 21 Dec 2018 | 0:09:06 UTC
Last modified: 21 Dec 2018 | 0:15:43 UTC

Now that we can fully utilize the GPU under Linux with SWAN_SYNC=1, I can compare the performance of my cards for real.

GPU RAC GTX 1080Ti (Pascal) 1.450.000~1.550.000 GTX 1080 (Pascal) 1.150.000~1.200.000 TITAN X (Maxwell) 1.050.000~1.150.000 GTX 980Ti (Maxwell) 950.000~1.050.000

If there was a month with continuous work, these numbers could be more precise.

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Message 51062 - Posted: 22 Dec 2018 | 2:54:50 UTC - in response to Message 51059.
Last modified: 22 Dec 2018 | 3:26:11 UTC

What is the power draw (reported by nvidia-smi) and GPU/Mem clocks used to achieve these stats?

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Message 51063 - Posted: 22 Dec 2018 | 16:33:49 UTC - in response to Message 51062.

What is the power draw (reported by nvidia-smi) and GPU/Mem clocks used to achieve these stats?

How do I access this xml file on linux? I can tell you once I find it.

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Message 51064 - Posted: 22 Dec 2018 | 16:41:39 UTC
Last modified: 22 Dec 2018 | 16:50:52 UTC

I just typed in "nvidia-smi" into the terminal and it gave me a basic overview, I have a watercooled evga hybrid 1080ti and it is reporting with SWAN_SYNC enabled:

224 watts
655 MB/ 11171MB RAM usage
99% utilization
2% BUS interface load

I too get around 1.5 million RAC when it is sufficiently supplied with WUs.

I have another system with two evga hybrid 1080tis and I get:

243 watts
868 MB/ 11171MB RAM usage
99% utilization
2% BUS interface load

213 watts
678 MB/ 11171MB RAM usage
99% utilization
2% BUS interface load

This basic overview is unfortunately not detailed enough to show clocks but in "Nvidia X Server Settings" I find that all GPUs are running at 1949Mhz clock and 10010Mhz Memory.

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Message 51068 - Posted: 23 Dec 2018 | 0:15:05 UTC - in response to Message 51064.

Thanks for the stats. A more detailed view is available using "nvidia-smi -a"
nvidia-smi also works in Windows (execute in c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvsmi folder at a prompt)

In Linux -
"nvidia-smi --help" will give a lot more options
"nvidia-settings" is also another handy commandline utility. Good tool for scripting although the graphic version (nvidia x server settings) is easier to use.

The power options you provided is of great interest as I always try to produce the best output for the least possible power.

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Message 51071 - Posted: 23 Dec 2018 | 17:19:28 UTC

Linux with SWAN_SYNC enabled is the highest performing out of any OS. With SWAN_SYNC enabled you can achieve a true 100% usage on seemingly any CPU/GPU combination. I have noticed that the BUS interface load has significantly decreased with SWAN_SYNC enabled, most likely allowing this true 100% utilization.

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Message 51099 - Posted: 26 Dec 2018 | 18:44:51 UTC - in response to Message 51071.

How do I prove I have SWAN_SYNC enabled???

First line under Service: Environment="SWAN_SYNC=1"
Reboot: printenv

And SWAN_SYNC is not shown.

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Message 51100 - Posted: 26 Dec 2018 | 19:06:17 UTC - in response to Message 51099.

Some of your computers have it enables, others don't.

Look at the stderr reports of the work units of the different computers using Linux. Unfortunately in Windows, can't tell if it's running or not.

# CUDA Synchronisation mode: BLOCKING
# SWAN Device 1 :
# Name : GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
# ECC : Disabled
# Global mem : 11178MB
# Capability : 6.1
# PCI ID : 0000:02:00.0
# Device clock : 1683MHz
# Memory clock : 5505MHz
# Memory width : 352bit


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Message 51101 - Posted: 26 Dec 2018 | 19:32:03 UTC - in response to Message 51099.
Last modified: 26 Dec 2018 | 19:40:33 UTC

How do I prove I have SWAN_SYNC enabled???

First line under Service: Environment="SWAN_SYNC=1"
Reboot: printenv

And SWAN_SYNC is not shown.
The printenv shows the environment of the current user, and the boinc client service is running under a different account (named boinc; that's why we couldn't apply SWAN_SYNC for a very long time to a BOINC manager from the repo), so you can't check it this way. The correct method (beside checking the "CUDA syncronisation mode" in the stderr.txt file in /var/lib/boinc-client/slots/X folder, where X is the number of the GPUGrid app's slot, or as Zalster described) is by checking the CPU usage of the acemd binary in the task manager (either under Windows or Linux too). If the acemd binary consumes 1 CPU thread (4 CPUs: 25%, 6 CPUs: 16-17%, 8 CPUs: 12-13%, 12 CPUs 8%) then it's OK. If you see lower CPU usage, then SWAN_SYNC is not applied. The other method is to check the task list of the given host on the GPUGrid website: if the CPU time is (nearly) equals to the GPU time, then SWAN_SYNC is applied.

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Message boards : Graphics cards (GPUs) : GTX1080Ti
